Articles by: Jon

The westernmost point of Europe

The sun rises and the hike up to Capelinhos, a beautiful volcano located at the westernmost point of Europe, begins.The rocky area draws a dark and shadowy silhouette on the western coast of Faial, one of the main islands shaping the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores.  From the distance, you would say there is nothing there other than rocks and dust, but the truth is that the place hides an important and precious secret. Starting […]

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Northern treasure trove

The moment I close my eyes and think about Hornøya, a smile is automatically drawn on my lips. Pictures of the pristine-white island cross my mind, with its volatile and frantic weather changes or the noise of thousands of seabirds fluttering above my head still bringing inner peace to my mind. A raven is seen looking for food and flying around the cliffs of the Norwegian bird sanctuary of Hornoya. Located at the Barents Sea, […]

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